Street Lights of the Future - More Than Just A Light Source?

When we think about street lights, we all presume that they’re just there to provide lighting for us as we walk underneath them, or drive past them. However, some street lights can do more than that and have been collecting data for research purposes. The LED lights can do lots of other things besides that, so we’re taking a look at how smart the technology is, and whether it can help with daily life, and where the technology can be of use to the public.

Streetlights that collect data?

For those of you that may have presumed the LED bulb would just get more and more efficient as time goes by, you’d be wrong. Instead, lamp posts with LED bulbs in them now serve as data collection points, working with an automatic system which determines when they come on, and for how long they stay on, as well as the brightness they produce. This has been cited as a way to save money, and to keep the streets safer and the roads calmer.

How does this help?

One way in which these data collecting streetlights can help people is by saving money. Copenhagen is actually on track to make at least 50% savings by using the technology, although that figure is going to rise as time goes by. This is because the LED technology is much more cost efficient than the previously used filament bulbs. They’re built to last much longer and have a much better lifespan than filament bulbs. As well as this, they don’t produce anywhere near as much light and heat radiation or waste either.

They can also assist people on a daily basis. The LED lights can monitor the roads remotely, and thus can make their judgements about lighting. As well as this, the technology is smart enough to be able to identify the traffic patterns of pedestrians, for example, in London, the LED lights surrounding tube station entrances light up a little brighter. They’ve even shown applicability within law enforcement, featuring technology which can detect when a gun has been fired to aid police in solving crimes.

Overall, the smart technology which has been advancing to the point it can now support people in their daily lives. The data collection abilities of smart lamp posts with LED bulbs can help to save money for cities and towns, as well as contribute to regulating the streets in a way that wasn’t previously possible. As well as this, the technology is smart enough to monitor the traffic patterns of the people walking around and then adjust their settings accordingly to best help individuals who are trying to get home. These factors, coupled with the energy savings, which is the primary draw of a LED bulb, meaning that the simple streetlight is more complicated than you’d think. The technology behind them has however advanced far enough that they can be used even to aid law enforcement, which does suggest smart technology if it can identify gunshots.

LED lights have many applications and and the unique uses continue to surprise us.

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