Spring Clean Your Lighting Solutions With LED Lights

Spring is the perfect time of year to schedule a bit of spring cleaning on your lighting solutions.  Generally we get used to the lighting systems we have in place and often do not stop to think about whether they are actually providing a cost effective solution, or whether there could be improvements.  However, if you are responsible for the maintenance - or indeed the budget, you might be interested to learn about the cost saving benefits of LED lighting.

Timing Issues

If you have offices and warehouses, you will have got used to turning the lights on by about 4.30 or 5pm since the autumn months started.  Turning the security lighting on is often a job for the last person to leave the building, or the designated building attendant, however if this happens at about 5pm, by this time of year it is not dark yet.  As spring turns into summer you are effectively wasting lighting for a good couple of hours.  So what is the solution?  You may not want to pay someone to come back at dusk each day to ensure the security lights are on, and actually you do not need to.  LED lighting could be the perfect solution. With LED lighting you can control the whole lighting system for the building using timers or motion sensors depending on the need for that area.  So, you can set the lighting to switch on as the dusk arrives.  This can be programmed to respond to the seasons so you are effectively only lighting the area when it is actually dark - cost saving number one.

A Better Light

Not only do you have much more control with LED lights, but the light they emit is actually a better light than traditional forms of outdoor lighting in industrial areas.  LED bulbs emit a white light that is better for the eyes and, unlike old lighting, does not have a light spill issue so it lights the area it needs to in a more effective manner.  Powering an LED light bulb also takes less energy, despite the fact that the light is brighter and better in every way.  This is because the LED bulbs do not need to generate heat like the old style bulbs in order to work.  Heating outside is basically just a waste product that serves no positive use, only adds to the overall carbon footprint - in a bad way.  So, when you switch to LED bulbs you can also expect to see a massive reduction in your energy bills - cost saving number two.

Minimal Maintenance

If all this sounds like a tempting way to spring clean your lighting solutions, then the lack of maintenance with LED lighting might just seal the deal.  Because LED light bulbs have a much longer lifespan than more traditional counterparts, you are also looking at a reduction in maintenance time.  There will simply be less bulbs to change, meaning you can redeploy your maintenance staff to other areas - cost saving number three.

Overall, LED lighting is the future for industrial and commercial buildings, so if you think it is time for your business to join the LED revolution get in touch with us today.

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