Save the Ambiance or Save Money: The Debate on LED Street Lights

In Rome the city council is trying to save money by changing to LED street lights, tourists and local residents are complaining that the romantic mood is being ruined. We talk a lot about the wide applications and benefits of LED street lights, and there are many governments and city councils who recognise that LED lights are a key way to save money. As the costs to run businesses and even cities are on the increase, many are choosing LED lights as the best solution, but can everyone be happy with LED street lights?

White or Yellow Light?

Rome is a beautiful city steeped in history, and there is nothing better than strolling around the cobbled streets bathed in the iridescent yellow glow of old street lamps. LED lights can have a harsher ‘white light’ that is apparently ruining the romantic feeling. However, the white light is closer to daylight and is actually better for the human eye than yellow light. Rome’s city council argue that the new LED street lights are saving the city millions of euros, which can then be put aside for other resources. However, locals are protesting the change by placing candles in their windows. The council is aiming to continue the work by installing another few hundred lights to the tune of €48 million, or £40 million.

LED Lights Aren’t That Bad

The move to LED lights in Rome could save the council €23 million a year, meaning that the installation is paid off in less than three years with many years of savings ahead. LED lights are part of the future for more sustainable lighting in homes, businesses, and cities across the world. Whilst white or blue light for LEDs are the most common, it is recognised that yellow light is familiar and cosy. And there are options for less powerful LED lights that will help reduce the glare and bring the much-wanted romantic mood back to the historic districts.

Why Choose LED Street Lights?

Many people are questioning why councils and businesses should make the move to LED street lights. There are many reasons, including the obvious money-saving one, however there are also many less well-known reasons. LED lights are incredibly practical and long-lasting. Halogen lights are easy to break, and are prone to burning out. The annoying flicker can also drive local residents to distraction, so it’s important that new lights don’t flicker. LED lights actually fade out rather than flicker, so won’t be a distraction to local people and street users.

LED lights also provide an advantage in better lighting the area, which can give a better perception of security. Well-lit areas work well in helping people to feel safe, as there are less shaded areas for people to avoid security. CCTV cameras also work better with the white light of LED lights.

The Lights of Rome

The residents of Rome may seem resistant to the new change to LED lights, but in the long term, a balance can be struck to save money and keep the residents happy.

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