LED lights- the safest option for schools, playgrounds, and sports clubs

As spring is coming into play we are reminded of the joy of longer days. Light gives a sense of safety and pleasure, so over the spring and summer months it’s easy to forget that good lighting is essential for so many reasons.

Increased sense of safety

Like street lighting, lighting around public areas not only helps users to feel safer, it helps reduce crime. This is down to preventing any dark corners where security can be compromised. Lighting helps people to be feel secure and safe whatever the time of year and the weather.

Where to find the funding for lighting?

For many schools, playgroups, and sports clubs, funding is essential for keeping all aspects ticking over. Many may find that it’s the cost of lighting the areas that costs a lot, especially if using traditional light halogen or fluorescent light bulbs.

Better quality lighting - better play

LED lights produce an even, white light that is actually better for and on the human eye. This light is natural and so mimics natural daylight so children can play easily, sports players can make sure they hit their target. Better quality of play also means that the users get better enjoyment from their time when using the facilities.

Better use of energy

Being green is important for every venture these days. You may encourage your staff and participants to take public transport, but if you are relying on old fashioned light- it’ll be burning a lot of electricity. LED lights are hugely efficient and use much less electricity. LED lights don’t also emit as much heat as halogen lights. The lights are also directional when ensures there is no wastage of light.

Money saving opportunity

When funding is increasingly difficult to secure and manage, LED lights are the answer to saving costs. Installing LED lights across your outdoor space can save you from 50% to 90% on your energy bills. LED lights are a smart investment for anyone looking to save money on their business and club.

Bringing a subtle future to the playground

LED lights are the future of lighting every outdoor and indoor space. LED lights can be programmed to come on at certain times, so you can be sure the outdoor space is readily lit when you need it. LED lights can be dimmable so for certain events and times of day, dimmable means full control of the lighting.

LED lights bring many benefits for playgrounds, schools, and youth clubs across the UK.

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