5 Key Indicators That Show It Is Time To Replace Carpark Lighting

If you run a public carpark such as a multi story or surface car park, or if you provide car parking facilities for your employees at a place of business, maintaining lighting is a key responsibility. It is not an easy job, especially if you are still using older style lighting. You might feel that you are trapped in in endless maintenance cycle, however changing to LED lighting could be the answer. Here are 5 indicators that suggest it is time to make the change.

1. Forever Changing Bulbs

Conventional light bulbs do not have the longest life span, and consequently you may feel like you are constantly paying for new bulbs and the maintenance team to come and change them. LED bulbs have a massive advantage in this area. LED light bulbs last much longer, in fact you can expect years worth of light from one LED bulb. It is calculated that conventional bulbs will need to be changed 3 - 4 times over the same period. Changing to LED will therefore save you money on your staffing costs as well as the amount of bulbs you will need to purchase,

2. Large Utility Bills

LED lighting is significantly cheaper to run than older style lighting. This is because it takes less energy to power an LED bulb. The light quality is significantly more powerful and yet it takes a fraction of the cost to run. The energy used to power LED bulbs is actually 90% less than that needed to power traditional bulbs, so by switching you are making a significant dent in the energy bill.

3. Light Causing Pollution

In terms of the environment, having LED bulbs offers the best in eco-friendly lighting. LED bulbs have the advantage of not giving off UV rays or mercury, both of which are considered to be chemicals that damage the environment and add to the problem of light pollution. The light given off by LED lights is a white light that is much friendly to the environment and safer for both people and animals.

4. Problems With Crime

Due to the more unstable nature of older style lighting, there is the potential that a lightbulb would blow and leave an unlit area perfect for the opportunist thief to take advantage. Obviously carparks provide an excellent hunting ground with people leaving expensive technology on display or even forgetting to lock their vehicle when they leave. LED lights do not just blow, when they reach the end of their useful life they fade which gives you warning that a bulb needs replacing and offers a more secure carpark for the users.

5. Dark Spots

The other problem with lights suddenly giving out is health and safety. In a poorly lit carpark there is more danger of accidents happening. Whether a driver reverses into a person or whether they clip another car because it is not well lit. It is still your responsibility to offer the safest experience you can. The light quality from LEDs is also better so overall the carpark is significantly better lit

There are many reasons why changing to LED lighting is better for your business, but if you are unsure, why not get in touch for more information.

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